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Пажња свим љубитељима слагалица, свим ученицима, свим наставницима, свим родитељима, свим генијалцима из математике и свима који траже нови изазов, боре се да науче математику, траже образовни алат без трикова или који једноставно воле да се забаве - АРИТМО је овде!

Наше игре

Ако сте спремни да прихватите изазов и постанете Аритмо мајстор слагалице, кликните на дугме.

Добродошли на Аритмо игре!

Најзабавнија и наједукативнија слагалица на свету

Аритмо је најиновативнија и најзабавнија колекција образовних слагалица икада измишљених.

Постоји толико много варијација Аритма, као да је попут десетина игара у једној и гарантовано ће пробудити аритметичког олимпијца у вама. Такође може помоћи у побољшању:

  • Меморије
  • Критичког размишљања
  • Аналитичких способности
  • Когнитивних способности
  • Менталне снаге
  • Стратешког размишљања

Шта други кажу о нама

It is nice to see a game that allows its viewers to apply real mathematical theory to quite challenging games. I must confess that I quickly log onto your site (during my work hours!) to tease myself with one of your puzzles. Interesting games and challenge the mind.

Sid Bulk


Hi there! I am very pleased with your web site upgrading almost daily. Thank you for making this splendid game. Nothing is better than coming home after a hard days work and start playing Arithmo. I never get tired playing the game. I wish the other software people would follow your exemplar. Your games are breathtaking and I'm going to tell all my friends about you.

Leonardo Quiroz

Azuza, CA

We relax almost every evening by playing ARITHMO. Just wanted to tell you that we appreciate (Hunting, Double Row, and specially Crossroads) more then you can imagine.

John Doe


ARITHMO game will keep me going for ever. Go on with the first-class work and thanks for the fun.

George Hadjiyiannis


I have had a lot of games and you only need Arithmo. Please maintain your upgrades with the same talent. Keep up the excellent work and I would like to congratulate for inventing dazzling games.

Yannis Nikoloudakis


I am so pleased to think I am doing a good turn, and to let people know they don’t know what there missing until they get ARITHMO GAMES.

everyday visitor


I'm contacting you to thank you for your quick e-mail, and also to let you know you have one of the best educational games around. Arithmo is constructed so wisely and smartly so the player never gets bored. I wish you a good job and a pleasant regard from England

Alan Warren


I'm Impressed!!! I usually don’t write to Game Companies, but I must say I am very overwhelmed by ARITHMO and I will let everyone know. I will encourage my students to visit it. In this "uncultured" time, it is a relief to see such a commitment to pure knowledge games. A fine example of the joy of games!

Jürgen Nößler


I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that I found ARITHMO web site!!!!!! . Your games are awesome! Best wishes for the future and keep the good work up!


New Zealand

As a teacher of Mathematics, I have really enjoyed playing Arithmo games and just wanted to thank you. My students are also enjoying on line games. I'm going to tell all my associates about you.

Ron Jay Fleische


Thank you for your e-mail informing me that the new ARITHMO is now available. I downloaded it and enjoyed the games so much (especially CROSSROADS). You people have produced a wonderful product. It is constructed so intelligently and elegantly, that player never gets bored. Great work and you in no doubt do have a happy customer here!

Nick Pervan


I just got finished perusing arithmo.com and to say the least I was very impressed. I am a computer science graduate with a great interest in math and I also work for a web design firm. Given my background, your games and site fascinates me. I found ARITHMO very inspiring. Keep up the good work!

Ken Messinger


Hey, I am an Australian boy who by mistake found this site. This Arithmo site is a very good site for us 7 graders. I play on them soon as I get home from school. I love all Arithmo games, especially HUNTING and ARITHMETICS.

Mike Tomash


I relax nearly every day by playing your games. Thanks for a stress release far cheaper than a doctor's visit.

Udo Pöhlmann


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